Using 3rd Party Video “Stuff”

When it comes to adding things to your Camtasia and/or PowerPoint video projects, it’s very useful to have a couple of “go-to” resources. Tastefully adding embellishments like animations, video backgrounds, lower thirds, “call outs”, etc. can bring visual interest and clarity to your work. First and foremost: I’ve got freebies for you!! >Just click this […]

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YouTube End Card “Watch Next Video” Clip Trick

YouTube “End Cards” are excellent pieces of content to add to your videos that you will be uploading to YouTube. They increase retention, engagement, sharing…LOTS of benefits! One of the more common and effective tactics is to include a small preview of another video on your channel and encourage your viewers to “Watch Next Video” […]

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Membership Sites for Selling Videos

OVERVIEW Our basic business model is this: Create video training and coaching programs and sell them to customers. Easy right? Well…how do you tell who is a paying customer and deliver the products & services they paid for yet keep that those products secure from un-paying eyes? A Membership Site is an excellent way to go. […]

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How To Use Quick Video Tips

Video is great for establishing credibility, trust, and rapport with your audience. Sharing what you know, your expertise, insight, and perspective is the basis for all kinds of useful content including blog posts (like this one!), social media interaction, YouTube channel food…the list goes on and on. But many folks struggle with creating this useful […]

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Can You Modify Stuff You Find On The Internet?

We had a question come in during the Weekly Screencast Coaching Webinar asking: “How much do you need to change an image from the Internet to be withing copyright rules?” Interesting question and certainly one that has a lot of misunderstanding surrounding it. The short answer is: You can’t do that without permission or the […]

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