Who’s Watching your Sales Video?

One of the top reasons people use Camtasia Studio and PowerPoint is to create sales or persuasive videos to promote their product or service to their target market.  You’ll see these types of videos at the top of sales pages, on the home page of websites and on many video sharing sites like YouTube.

But it’s crucial that, prior to writing the script for the narration in your video, you  give some thought as to who you are talking to.  Who is the specific target market for your video?


Why Will they Buy?

Your video needs to show that you empathize with your target market and to do that you need to identify their problems and show how your product solves that problem. If you think too generally about your target market, the passion is lost in your narration and it’s tough to get anyone excited about anything. Think about it-What is the single most important reason your target audience would want to buy what you are selling?

For example, if you are creating a video to persuade people to purchase your  high end acne medication and you simply talk about the embarrassment of acne, you might get some sales. But if you know that your target market for a specific ad campaign is teenagers, talking about being teased at school, worrying that they won’t find a date and having a case study of a teenager who overcame that – your narration will be much more powerful.

Your video will sell more to a highly-targeted group of people than trying a lukewarm approach with the public in general.

More than Just Demographics

For each target market, there are so many different factors that can make up your specific target market:

  • Age
  • Income
  • Interests
  • If it’s a man or a woman, marital status may come into play
  • If it’s a parent, you might want to have an idea about the age of the children; if they work outside the home, etc.
  • If it’s a pet owner, what kind of pet they have, what breed, etc.
  • Wants, wishes and desires *
  • Values & beliefs *
  • Problems they need solved *

*These last three are particularly important because this is what really motivates people to spend their money and buy products. Yes, they buy to satisfy their immediate needs, but desire is what drives people to spend their money readily.

In the case of the video for the acne medication, there are plenty of teenagers who don’t want to spend a lot of money on their skin and they’re content buying the typical drugstore acne solutions or nothing at all. Those teenagers are not your target market.

Imagine Your Ideal Customer:

What are their wants and desires?
What problems do they need solved?
What are their beliefs?

Once you have a clear picture of who you are talking to, only then is it time to sit down and craft a marketing video script that will produce the desired result.

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