Help Me Create a Hook for our New Video

Don’t you just hate it when you come up with a great idea for video content, only to find that you just never get around to creating it?

It’s totally frustrating and I can fully empathize with that because I have had a video script sitting on my hard drive for four months now and I can’t move forward with it.

Traditionally, I’m most comfortable creating software tutorials because I have one of those analytical minds. There’s a bit of a formula for those and require a lot less creativity . On the other hand, Sales and Marketing videos, with their need for emotion and excitement, are impossible for me to script.   My mind just doesn’t work that way.  I tell Lon this and he tells me to try it anyhow.  Maybe I’ll surprise myself and find there’s really a little salesperson inside me screaming to express herself.  I don’t think so.

So I have this script that Lon feels is pretty good but needs a better “hook” at the beginning to get people interested in watching the whole thing.

Statistics show we have only about 7-10 seconds to capture people’s attention at the beginning of a video before they’ll click away. Apparently the first couple of lines in the script just don’t hook people in. If I ever get around to completing this script I think I’ll have no problem creating the rest of the video but I’m stuck on that stupid “Hook!”

Below is the script. It is for a sales video to market our latest course called “Lame to Fame” where we do video makeovers and show examples of all the things you don’t want to do in a video.

If you have even the littlest marketing background I’d welcome all suggestions for a better opening. The fate of this video is in your hands.


Lame to Fame Sales Script

So you’ve recorded your first screencast and you’re excited… but there’s something missing.

It’s not awful… but it just doesn’t come close enough to the professional videos you’ve been seeing around the web. Have you attempted to figure out just what went wrong, only to get frustrated because you weren’t sure where to start? Many beginning screencasters have felt the same way.

Unfortunately, the old saying “Build it and they will come” does NOT apply to most videos. Good screencasts have many things in common and the key to seeing the difference between a lame video and one that you can be proud of can be hard to figure out on your own…

But there’s help!

What if you had two professional screencasters show you exactly what makes a screencast “shall we say-LAME” and how to make some simple adjustments that put it right into the FAME category?

In our newest course “From Lame to Fame” you will see examples of typical videos created by people who understood how to use the basic features of Camtasia but didn’t always know where to apply them or how to use them correctly.

From Lame to Fame will take you from “before” to “after” while giving you specific instructions on how to implement each technique using Camtasia Studio and PowerPoint.

You’ll learn what makes a video boring and hard to follow and which techniques can make even the most technical or dry content come to life

The amazing difference between good audio and sound that makes your audience cringe

Techniques to reign in those bullet points and liven up your interactivity

You’ll benefit by learning exactly what you need to do to keep your viewers engaged, excited and entertained from the beginning till the final credits.

Check out the low introductory price and then register for immediate access below:


Thanks for your help and if I use your “hook”, I’ll be emailing you a $25 Amazon giftcard.  It’s worth more than that just to finish the darn script and get this video into production!

Michelle Schoen

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moemoneymoe Reply

Just do it! Stop thinking about it! That’s what I tell myself everytime I get ready to do a project. Have the time I don’t know what it will end up being like.

Cindy Harley Reply

“So you’ve recorded your first screencast and you’re excited……. but there’s something missing.

When you watch your video – you don’t feel the same excitement as you do when you watch some other screencasts. You are banging your head on your desk trying to figure out what is the difference in these viral videos and your creation. And like many new screencasters, you are your own worst critic. The first comment you say to yourself is why is my video so lame!!!

(and then continue on with your script.)

Robert Miller Reply

Here’s a first shot:

“Learn the SECRETS of making your videos CAPTIVATING! Take them from mediocre to MAGNETIC, from…
Lame to Fame!”

Laura Reply

Michelle, I too am totally comfortable with software tutorial screen casts, but as soon as I need to do one not about software but something with emotion, I also fall apart. For me it is comforting that I am not alone in how I feel here.

Jim Esmeier Reply

Show a video rendering, DIALOGUE: From lame” Show Michelle with quizzical,look on her face then show her shaking a spice can over the rendering video. DIALOGUE: to fame” Have video open up showing Lon’s beaming face. DIALOGUE: We can’t promise you that much fame, but we can show you several ways to spice up your videos and make them something anyone would want to feast their eyes on!

Delton Reply

Michelle, try one of these= 1-What are you getting out of your lame videos? 2-Lame to fame videos, for you, by you. 3-Unhook yourself from lame videos, grab your fame. 4-Lame to fame, so easy even you can do it. 5-The lame to fame video course that’s used by the video stars.

A small quick brain dump…given more time I could do better.

Be Safe,

Robert Miller Reply

Here’s another possibility:

” Do your videos have the Blahs? TRANSFORM them:
from “Meh…” to MAGNIFICENT,
from sluggish to SIZZLING,
From Lame to FAME ! “

Robert Miller Reply

One more try:

” Videos not getting results? Viewers leaving early?
Learn video makeover essentials that will take them…
From Lame to FAME “

michelle Schoen Reply

Wow- these are all really good. I’m going to wait till after the Memorial Day weekend so more people have had a chance to throw in their input then pick one of these cool openers and get that video out there!

Rick Raddatz Reply

“How You Can Turn Mediocre Videos into Polished Pearls”

Rick Raddatz Reply

Try #2.

“How To Flip Mediocre Videos into Polished Pearls”

Jim Esmeier Reply

One more try. Show Michelle pulling a graphic chain across the screen with each link containing a word which spells out “We’ve found the missing link to making your videos go from lame to fame.” Holding on to the end of the link is Lon with a big smile on his face.

hagar Reply

Okay, so I got a bit carried away and did a whole letter…

Lame to Fame Revised Script

Well, you did it – gathered your skills, faced down your fears, created your first video! Released it into the world, and…. Nothing.
Read over everything again, added some animation to your slides, tried again, and …. Nothing.
Asked advice, and that went like you should have expected – if ten people can have ten different opinions, you got eleven responses, all of which cancelled each other out. Except for the last one, which was “always have a trademark prop – I wear a big orange foam hat in every video”.
Probably not.
Want a better answer? What if you had two veteran, professional-grade screencasters to show you how to bridge the gap from “Lame” to “Fame”? Examples of where others have gone wrong – and how to avoid those mistakes in your own videos?
No boring bullets. No droning speeches. No orange foam hats.
The EXACT techniques that bring even the driest, most technical topic alive and interesting, keeping your audience focused and receptive right up to the closing credits.
You can have it today!
Check out the low introductory price and then register for immediate access below:

Jim Esmeier Reply

Or…You could open with, “Imagine you are looking at the best screencast video you have ever seen and as the credits roll by, you see your name going up the screen as producer/editor. Pipe dream? Not if you take this course titled From Lame to Fame.”

michelle Schoen Reply

Wow, I have to do these challenges more often. I’m getting entire video scripts written for me now!

Sometime tomorrow (Tuesday) I ask Lon to take a look with me and we’ll pick the winner.

Thanks everyone!

Dan Hill Reply

How about a relational pitch – something like -Having trouble find out out what that missing element is in you screencast? Well, Ever hear of Hemingway, yeh, the writer! Did you know he said he faced the “white bull”, the blank white sheet of paper ever time he wrote. Another writer, Gene Fowler, said writing was easy, Simple – All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead. So if these highly successful professionals have this kind of trouble, why should we be any different? But we have something they didn’t have! We have – are you ready for this —– Michelle & Lon!

Well, you didn’t think I’d write the whole thing for ya now did you? You get the drift! Tighten it up a little, use great narration – pacing, empathy, inflection! Some seriously intriguing music track –

Let me know how it turns out – I’d like to see this one!

michelle Schoen Reply

AND THE WINNER IS……….Robert Miller!

Lon and I spent about an half hour reading through all the submissions. There were so many great ideas it was hard to choose the best. But we felt that the hook below, submitted by Robert Miller, was catchy, stated the problem people were experiencing and told them right up front the big benefit they would be getting from watching the video. These things are exactly what you need to hook your viewers in to watching the whole thing.

“Videos not getting results? Viewers leaving early?
Learn video makeover essentials that will take them…From Lame to FAME ”
Learn the SECRETS of making your videos CAPTIVATING! Take them from mediocre to MAGNETIC”

So, Robert, I will be sending you an Amazon Gift card this evening and thanks everyone for getting me out of the state of procrastination on this video. Now I can add the visuals and finally get it out there!

hagar Reply

yay for Robert MIller!

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