Camtasia 6 Course

Camtasia 6 Introduction
Introduction to the Camtasia 6 Course along with instructions on accessing the GoToWebinar Q&A meetings, a form to submit your Q&A questions and a link to the private forum.

Camtasia 6 Strategy
Some of the most important things to learn about making great Camtasia videos need to be understood well before your ever hit the “Record” button! A good screencast video production is actually more about planning the content and getting set up properly than the pure mechanics of recording, editing, and producing. Let’s face it…no amount of editing can fix lousy content!

Camtasia 6 Recording
In this module we’ll take a look at our video “camera”…the Camtasia Recorder. This program is one of the main tools in the Camtasia Studio video suite and pretty much makes everything possible. After all, you can’t make a video without rolling some footage!

Camtasia 6 Editing
Editing in Camtasia Studio is an opportunity to both fix mistakes and add the finishing touches that make an “OK” video great! In this module, we’ll give you the basics, some top tips for looking awesome, and a set of practice files with the recommended exercises to help get you started.

Camtasia 6 Producing
Camtasia Studio provides some of the most flexible and easy to use features for producing your work into a format that others can view. That being said, there are some important concepts you need to understand to produce a video that looks good and is watchable for your viewers.

Camtasia 6 Sharing
Now that you’ve gone through the entire process of making a great Camtasia video…what do you do with it? Well, you share it with the world of course! How you do that can be one of the most technically challenging aspects of the entire process simply because of the wide variety of options available and the fact that technology changes so rapidly. We’ll do our best to get you through it!

Camtasia 6 CDs and Web Menus
Camtasia Studio has several additional really nice ways to share, distribute, or sell your video work. These are some of the extra tools in the Camtasia “suite” of applications that you may have seen such as Camtasia Theater and Menu Maker.
